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Fuck those poor innocent slaves, Roran needs to have sex. The book starts out with Eragon letting a bunch of slaves die just so he and Roran can save Roran's girlfriend. They kill people, constantly, and never really regrets it (or occassionally Eragon cries a bit about it but that never comes through when it matters). Next, what really bothers me, is that Eragon (and sometimes Saphira) is a genuinly BAD person. Then everything happened as the plot had been laid out by the characters with an end fight tacked onto in the last fifty pages because OF COURSE we need to end the book with that.

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It was a terrible god and it is a terrible life. Or, like, four things happened, which is way too little for that many pages!!! At one point, not even half-way through, they explain what Eragon is gonna do FOR THE REST OF THE BOOK and as I realized that I had just had everything that was gonna happened laid out in front of me I think I finally saw the face of the god and it changed my life. This book was 700 fucking pages long AND NOTHING HAPPENED. There are so many things that bother me about this book/this series but at the moment it's still THAT NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. I really thought by now Paolini would have turned into a half-decent writer but he's still no better than when he was 15 or 17 or whatever the fuck he was when he wrote that first one.

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